Black Beetle & COVID-19 | Our Client and staff safety remain of utmost importance
The outbreak of COVID-19 is having an unprecedented impact on all of us, in big and small ways. Amidst this uncertainty, I want to reassure you of the steps we are taking to help keep our customers safe, and to play our part in halting the spread of the virus.
We are equipping all our teams with guidelines from global health authorities on staying healthy and preventing the spread of the virus. This includes the most critical measures - regular and thorough hand washing, avoiding physical contact, and isolating themselves if they display any symptoms. We are also ensuring that they know where to find accurate and updated information, and know how to get help.
Feel free to insist on additional hygiene practices - our teams have built their businesses around making your home a better place to be, and they will do what it takes to keep ensure that.
The Black Beetle team is stepping up our hygiene practices, avoiding unnecessary contact, and working from home as much as possible, but we remain as committed as always to support you.
We will continue to liaise/work with health authorities to implement additional safety measures and will keep you in the loop as we all learn and adapt together. Please do reach out to us on with any thoughts, questions or concerns. Pandemics like COVID-19 can be contained. But we all have to join forces, and play our part.
We wish you and your family a safe lockdown period ahead.
The Black Beetle Team
Why Black Beetle? What’s in the name?
Apart from the literal connotations of a beetle being part of the insect family and our business being based in Africa. If we look a little deeper, the symbolic meaning of beetles in many cultures offers the following attributes i.e. Protection, Progress, Simplicity, Stability and Potential. These attributes ring true with our business values, our vision & client offerings.
Beetles speak to us of groundedness. They move with bellies always close to the earth, and so their wisdom is sacred and deep. They are connected to the core of earth, and so they are rooted in their knowledge about the way of life and nature. So too is our business rooted in providing eco and pet friendly solutions to our clients as a first point.
We offer safe, effective and fast solutions to remove pests and nasty creepy crawly insects from your property. Our pest control experts provide reliable, safe solutions for interior and exterior pests that will ensure problem pests are eradicated. We service both domestic and commercial clients across numerous industries.
Tel: +27 (0)82 367 9080 | Email:
Address: 500 Olievenhout Avenue, Northgate, Randburg, 2188