Bedbugs, Ticks & Fleas
There are a few known possible causes of bedbug infestation, including picking up the bugs while traveling and carrying them home in or on a suitcase or clothing, or bringing in a piece of used furniture that has bedbugs already living inside it. Also, if the apartment next to you has bedbugs, any wiring holes or cracks in the walls can let them into your home, too. Adult bedbugs can live up to a year without a meal, so there's no guarantee that the new apartment you move into that's been vacant for six months will be free of the little guys. Having bedbugs isn't about filth -- bedbugs feed on blood, not trash. The most immaculate home can end up with bedbugs. However, a messy home does offer more places for bedbugs to hide, so cleaning up the clutter is one of the first steps to getting rid of a bedbug problem.
You might find it annoying when the person you sleep beside steals the blanket, but what about sleeping near something that steals your blood?
How to get rid of this annoying roommate. Simply call us at Black Beetle Eco Pest Solutions and you’ll be free of bedbugs in no time.
Ticks are not only one of the most undetectable pests, but also one of the most dangerous, as they can transmit diseases such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Babesiosis, Tularemia, and Ehrlichiosis. Like fleas, ticks feed on the blood of human and animal hosts, however, their bites don’t usually itch, making them difficult to detect.
Ticks are small (ranging in size from about 8mm – 10mm, depending on whether they’ve recently fed) and they’re actually part of the spider family, not the insect family. They tend to reside in grassy, brushy areas; they climb up the foliage and wait for a host to pass by. When one brushes against the foliage, the tick can hop on and begin feeding. This is why many animals and humans pick ticks up while hiking, camping, fishing, or hunting.
If you live near a wooded area or have recently been in a wooded area, check yourself frequently for ticks. Look for small reddish brown bugs with six legs. If they’re not filled with blood yet, they may appear flat, but if they are, they’ll be more rounded. Ticks are usually found on areas of the body that are exposed, so check your ankles, legs, arms, and neck. Also comb through your hair and look for them there.
If you do find a tick, there are several ways that you can remove it. One of the most effective ways is to get a pair of fine-tipped tweezers and grasp the tick as close to your skin as possible and pull straight out. Make sure not to grasp it around the body – you could end up squeezing it and pushing infected fluids back into your body.
Another way to remove a tick is by using liquid dish soap. Squirt some dish soap onto a cotton ball and place over the tick. Move it back and forth gently for a few moments, then pull the cotton ball away. The tick should be on the cotton ball. This method tends to be favoured over the tweezer method because the tweezer method could potentially leave parts of the tick behind.
If you remove a tick from your body, pay close attention to that area for the next week or two. If you notice any reddening or ring-like rash, see a doctor immediately, as this is a sign of Lyme disease.
Fleas often target animals like dogs, cats, horses, and other household pets, but they can also target reptiles, birds, and humans. Once a flea finds a host, it will latch on and begin feeding. Once it’s done, you’ll find a small red spot or blotch where the flea ate and the area will likely be itch
If you believe fleas are present in your home or office, call us as soon as possible. We’ll send a pest control specialist out to check out the area and if we find an infestation, we’ll take the right measures to eliminate it quickly.
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Address: 500 Olievenhout Avenue, Northgate, Randburg, 2188