Every year we look forward to the sunshine and warmth of summer, but one thing that comes with summer that’s not pleasant at all are mosquitoes. These tiny fly-like insects are not only a nuisance, but they can also be dangerous if they’re carrying diseases like West Nile Virus, the Zika Virus, Malaria, and more.
Mosquitoes love water, which means you’ll often find them near lakes, streams, water fountains, bird baths and ponds or any stagnant pool of water surrounding your property. These pests not only live in these areas, but they also lay their eggs there.
Like fleas and ticks, mosquitoes feed on the blood of humans and animals and when they feed, they release saliva into the wound. Because their saliva contains a drug that acts like an anaesthetic, we don’t often feel them while they feed. It’s only afterwards that their saliva reacts with our bodies and begins to make us itch.
Because a female mosquito can lay anywhere from 100 to 300 eggs at one time, you can be susceptible to an infestation rather quickly. To prevent this, it’s important to eliminate any standing water near your home or office that could be used as a breeding ground. Get rid of bird baths, buckets, old tires, tree stumps, leaky faucets, and any other source of water.
Mosquitoes are also attracted to shady spots, so if you have a lot of vegetation that can also trap water, even damp under your wooden or plastic decking, you may have an area for mosquitoes to live.
If you do have a mosquito infestation, don’t wait to call our experts. We’ll set up an appointment to investigate the area around your home or office and determine whether or not you have an infestation. If you do, we’ll make sure we get rid of it as soon as possible. In the meantime, remember to wear as much clothing as possible, close all windows and doors at night use a mosquito repellent to reduce those terribly itchy bites.
Get in touch
Tel: +27 (0)82 367 9080 | Email:
Address: 500 Olievenhout Avenue, Northgate, Randburg, 2188